How much is the taxi fare from Taksim to Eminonu?

According to the current 2024 taxi fare schedule, the taxi fare from Taksim to Eminönü has been determined. If you are curious about the fare you need to pay to take a taxi from Taksim to Eminönü, you are in the right place. Here, you can find out the current taxi fare from Taksim to Eminönü.

Eminönü is a neighborhood in Fatih that encompasses the Historic Peninsula. The taxi fare between Taksim and Eminönü varies depending on where you board the taxi. We have calculated the total fare you need to pay, including the fare per kilometer and the taxi meter opening fee, for different scenarios.

Taksim – Eminönü Taxi Fare

According to the current 2024 taxi fare schedule, if you board a taxi near Taksim Square, the fare to Eminönü via Galata Bridge is 110 TL. If you use Atatürk Bridge, the fare is 140 TL.

Thus, you have learned how much it costs to take a taxi from Taksim to Eminönü according to the 2024 taxi fare schedule. For more Taksim taxi fare calculations, you can use the attached page: Istanbul taxi fare calculation.