Percentage Calculation

Find a percentage or calculate the percentage of given numbers and percentage values. Use percentage formulas to find percentages and unknowns in equations. Add or subtract a percentage from a number or solve equations.

Percentage calculation

The result will appear here.

Percentage calculation formula

There are many formulas for percentage problems. You can think of the most basic as X/Y = P x 100. All of the formulas below are mathematical variations of this formula.

Let’s examine the three basic percentage problems. X and Y are numbers and P is a percentage:

  • Find P percent of X
  • Find what percent of X is Y
  • Find X if the percent P is Y

How to calculate percentage?

What is 20% of 60 dollars?

20% multiplied by 60%:

20% × 60 USD = (20/100) × 60 USD = 0.2 × 60 USD = 12 USD

12 dollars are what percent of 60 dollars?

12 USD divided by 60 USD and multiplied by 100%:

(12 USD / 60 USD) × 100% = 20%

12 dollars are 20% of what?

12 TL divided by 20%:

12 USD / 20% = (12 USD / 20) × 100 = 60 USD

What is the percent change from 40 dollars to 50 dollars?

The difference between $50 and $40 is divided by $40 and multiplied by 100%:

[($50 – $40] / $40] × 100% = 0.25 × 100% = 25%